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Many kids ages 4 – 9 around the world have discovered one of the most fun clubs ever created for them. The Adventurer Club is designed to strengthen parent/child relationships by providing specialized weekly club activities tuned into the psychological needs of this age group while simultaneously giving parents opportunities for learning parenting skills and enjoying special activities with their children.



The volunteer leadership attend special training sessions to understand how to maximize the focus of the Adventurer Club in strengthening the parent-child bonds and enable both parents and children to understand their relationship to God. 



Each child is encouraged to participate in all activities and parents/guardians are given assignments along with their child. There are many age-related challenging activities on the Adventurer menu. These range from games and outdoor activities to nature exploration and family camping, field trips, bible adventure, and community service projects. A six-level age-specific curriculum is used along with many specialized award areas of crafts, nature, recreation, spiritual development, and home arts. The five (six) levels are: Little Lambs (age 4/Pre-k), Eager Beavers (age 5/kindergarten), Busy Bees (age 6/first grade), Sunbeams (age 7/second grade), Builders (age 8/third grade), and Helping Hands (age 9/fourth grade).


Mission Statement

The Texas Conference Adventurer program serves an intercultural community of children in pre-kindergarten to 4th and their parents and caregivers through this children’s ministry. The purpose of the program is to support parents and caregivers in leading and encouraging their children in a growing, joyful, love relationship with Jesus Christ. It offers instructional curriculum, family enrichment, supplementary resources, and volunteer training from within the Seventh-day Adventist philosophy. The Adventurer program should work to fulfill the gospel commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and depends on the support of a congregation strong in mission and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Who we are

Ptr. Christian Ponciano

Conference Youth Director


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Patricia Innis

Medical Coordinator

Patricia has been serving in the Adventurers ministry since 2006. She started as Sunbeam teacher, later stepping into the role serving as the club director for the Conroe Cubs Adventurer Club. In 2012, she enthusiastically began serving as a camp nurse for the Texas Conference Summer Camps. Later in 2015, she transitioned from Adventurer club director to serving the Texas Conference Adventurer ministry as Medical Coordinator where she continues to facilitate and provide first aid medical treatment at Adventurer camporees in the Texas Conference. 

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Hugo Cisneros

Web Design/Administrator

Update coming

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Sujata Christie


Sujata Christie has been serving in the Children's Ministry since she was a teenager. She has served in the Sabbath School department, A Y  Department, Deaconess, Pathfinder, Music Department and other offices in the church, but she loves working with the little children and focused on serving them. She started serving in the Adventurer ministry as an Eager Beaver teacher in 2006 in New York and then stepping into the role of an Associate Director in 2008 in Houston. In 2011 her family was called to serve as the Associate Area Coordinators in the Houston Bay Area, and then as the Area Coordinators for the Houston Bay Area. Their love and passion to spread the love of Christ and His soon coming was the highlight of their ministry in Houston, encouraging clubs to invite at least one Non-Adventist child to the club and share the love of Jesus. She now joins the Texas Conference Adventurer team to serve in humility and continue to grow in Christ. Her prayer is that the Lord uses her family in His Service

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Andres Acosta

Outdoor Coordinator

A family man residing in Elgin, Tx., Andres and his wife Ana have served in the Adventurer ministry since 2010. Like many parents, they came into the Adventurer club to teach their children about God's love for them and their families, but their three children are now Pathfinder. Because of their passion for the Adventurer children, they have answered God’s call to teach Texas Adventurers about God’s love and to guide them and their families closer to Him.

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Conference Staff
Adventurers Area Information

Central Texas Area

Ana Acosta

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Keene Fort Worth Area

Carlos and Janet Frias

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Dallas East Area

Montrell and Jeimy Randle

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Valley Coastal Bend Area

Isaias and Melissa Robles

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Houston Bay Area

 San Juanita and Domingo Garcia

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Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


P.O. Box 800
Alvarado, TX 76009

1211 HWY 67 W.
Alvarado, TX 76009

Phone: 817.790.2255
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