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Club Logo




The new Adventurer logo was adopted and voted in by the NAD in 2023.  It has a well-developed and thought-out symbolism.

The Logo is a visual reminder of what the Adventurer Club is all about. The Adventurer Ministry has been created to assist parents in their important responsibilities as a child’s primary teachers and evangelizers. The program aims to strengthen the parent/child relationship and to further the child’s development in spiritual, physical, mental, and social areas. Through the Adventurer Ministry, the church, home, and school can work together with the parent to develop a mature, happy child.






















Download the Adventurer logos



Club World Logo



Club Flag



Note: Updated flag coming soon!!!


The Adventurers flag is similar to Pathfinders and Master Guides flag.
1. Yellow-Gold (Excellence): The crown of justice that God will give us when we get to Heaven.
2. White (Purity): Adventurers will reflect the purity of character of Jesus Christ.
3. Blue (Loyalty): Adventurers must be loyal to Jesus, parents, and church.
4. Burgundy (Royalty): Adventurers are the children of the King. 
5. Red (Sacrifice): Jesus sacrificed his life for each Adventurer to be saved.



Adventurers Song



We are Adventurers,

At home, at school, at play.

We are Adventurers,

We're learning every day 

To be honest, kind, and true,

To be like Jesus through and through!

We are Adventurers!



Aventurero soy
Doquiera donde esté
Aventurero soy
Creciendo en la fe
A Jesús quiero ser fiel
Y cada día ser como Él
¡Aventurero soy!


Download the Music Sheet below.
Adventure song-english.pdf

Adventure song-spanish.pdf






Adventurer Song - English with lyrics
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Adventure_logo_NoBackground .png
Himno de Aventureros - Espanol con letra
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Adventurer Song - Track sample 1
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Adventurer Song - Track sample 2
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Adventurer Song - Track sample 3
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Adventurer Pledge


Because Jesus loves me, I can always do my best.



Por que Jesus me ama, siempre haré lo mejor.

Adventurer Law


Jesus can help me to:
.   Be obedient
·   Be pure
·   Be true
·   Be kind
·   Be respectful
·   Be attentive
·   Be helpful
·   Be cheerful
·   Be thoughtful
·   Be reverent



Jesus me puede ayudar a:
. Serobediente
. Ser puro
. Ser leal
. Seramable
. Ser respetuoso
. Ser atento
. Ser util
. Seralegre
. Ser considerado
. Ser reverente


Pledge to the Bible


I pledge allegiance to the Bible, 
God's Holy Word, 
I will make it a lamp unto my feet, 
And a light unto my path, 
And will hide its words in my heart 
That I might not sin against God.



Prometo lealtad a la Biblia,
La santa Palabra de Dios,
La haré lámpara a mis pies,
Y lumbrera a mi camino,
Y guardaré sus palabras en mi corazón
Para no pecar contra Dios.


Pledge to the Christian Flag


I pledge Allegiance to the Christian Flag
And to the Savior for whose 
kingdom it stands.
One Savior crucified, risen, 
and coming again
With life and liberty to all who believe.



Prometo lealtad a la bandera Cristiana
Y al Salvador cuyo reino representa,
Un Salvador crucificado, resucitado,
Y que volverá con vida y libertad
Para todos los que en Él creen.


Bulletin Insert

Download the Adventurer Bulletin Insert-Pledge-law-song-lyrics


Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the Flag 
of the United States of America, 
and to the Republic for which it stands, 
one Nation under God, indivisible, 
with liberty and justice for all.


Pledge to the Texas Flag

Honor the Texas flag; 
I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, 
one state under God, 
one and indivisible.


Adventurer Constitution

Download the Texas Adventurer Constitution



Download the Texas Adventurer Calendar


Adventurer Song - Track sample 4
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Resources to support the Adventurer Ministries in the North American Division. Please check the requirements with your local division and conference.


The uniform makes the organization real and visible. It becomes emblematic and representative of an ideal, a standard. One of the ways to set up a standard and bring the members of an organization up to that standard is through the uniform. It should stimulate loyalty toward that standard by building morale and binding members into closer fellowship. It also appeals to those not already members to join. The uniform becomes a builder of the club spirit. The uniform is to be always neat and clean. Because the Adventurer Club program is valuable to each member, the uniform will be acquired and worn with enthusiasm.


Class "A" Uniform for the Adventurer boy and girl



  • Navy blue bottoms (Jumper, Skirt, or Slacks): uniform with club

  • White Blouse (Peter Pan Collar).


  • Navy blue pants

  • White shirt.


  • Black shoes

  • Navy blue socks.

  • Scarf - Burgundy scarf with white embroidery slide.

  • Award Sash - The sash is navy blue and part of the uniform.



Texas uses the white shirts/blouses only,


Class "A" Uniform for Adventurer Staff


Navy blue skirt or slacks
White blouse. 

Navy blue pants
White shirt 

Black shoes
Belt: uniform within club
Navy blue tie
Scarf - Burgundy scarfworn with white embroidery slide. 
Staff members who are Master Guides may wear their Master Guide scarves, slide, and pin.
Sash - Navy Blue Sash. Pathfinder Honors are NOT to be worn on the Adventurer sash; only Adventurer awards are to be worn onsash. 
Class Pins - worn on shirt or blouse pocket.


Class "A" Uniform for Adventurer Coordinators


Navy blue jacket with embroidery Texas Ministries logo
Gold or YellowCord on left shoulder
Master Guide pin above class pins 
Class pins on left pocket
Master Guide strip above Master Guidepin
When wearing a blazer, DO NOT use the sash


Field Uniform (Type B)

The field uniform for the Adventurers and staff is a T-shirt and blue jeans. Each club may create its own design for field uniform T-shirts and sweatshirts. A few suggestions for designs on T-shirts are:

  • Adventurer logo

  • Local club logo

  • Adventurer and local club logo



Insignia Placement

Download the Adventurer Insignia Placement guide

  • Club Crescent, place on the right

  • Adventurer Patch, place on the right sleeve below Club Crescent



  • Texas Conference Patch on the left sleeve

  • Adventurer World, place on the left sleeve below Conference Patch



Staff Insignia Placement

  • Club Crescent, place on the right

  • StaffPosition,
    place on the right sleeve below Club Crescent

  • Adventurer Patch, place on the right sleeve below Staff Position

Texas Conference Patch on the left sleeve

  • Adventurer World, place on the left sleeve below Conference Patch

  • Master Guide Star (if Master Guide), on the left sleeve below Adventurer World.


Links and Forms

Links & Forms

Member and staff forms


Basic Materials for Parents and Adventurers: All Adventurers and their Parents/Guardians must fill out an Adventurer Membership Application. Parents transporting other children should use The Trip Permission Slip for each event. You may want to have parents fill out one form without the signature and the event, and make multiple copies so for each event the parent will only need to re-fill-in the event and signature. 



Staff and Volunteer Forms: 

  • Staff, volunteer and adults over 18 years old stating overnight at camp must complete the volunteers training. Please note that the volunteer's verification must renew it every three years. A verification list of staff members who have completed the course is available from the Texas Conference office.

  • A signed copy of the Medical Consent Form for each pathfinder participant must be carried on each activity and event. It is best to have three copies made at the beginning of the year - one to keep secure at the Church/Club meeting place, one to carry on field trips and outings, and one for use at Camporee. 

  • Any Staff Member, Parent or other Volunteer Driver who will be transporting Adventurers other than their own children to any Adventurer event/outing must complete the Safe Driver Pledge. 

  • The Staff Volunteer Form should be kept with the Local Club. The Volunteer Code of Conduct is to be signed in the presence of a senior Club Staff Member or Church Pastor or Youth Ministries Leader but retained by the Volunteer. 

  • Please remember that these various forms are to help ensure the safety and security of our children/youth. They are not intrusive, but are there to protect the children/young people we are called to serve. 



Medical Consent Form

Trip Permission Form

Safe Driver Pledge

Volunteer Code of Conduct (English)

Volunteer Code of Conduct (Spanish)Texas Conference Youth and Young Adults Website



Guidelines Information

Online Registration Guide
Code of Conduct and Guidelines


Club Forms

Adventurer Brochure - Editable Publisher format  

Adventurer Application Form - PDF format
Membership Cards - Editable MS Word format
Club Digitial Registration Form - YMMS
Medical Consent Form - PDF format


Safety and security


“The Church regards the nurture and protection of children as a sacred trust.”
Seventh-day Adventists place a high value on children. In the light of the Bible, they are seen as precious gifts from God entrusted to the care of parents, family, the community of faith and society-at-large. Children possess enormous potential for making positive contributions to the Church and to society.  Attention to their care, protection, and development is extremely important.
--From an official statement of the Seventh-day Adventist Church - Nurture and Protection of Children.

Club leaders, staff, and volunteers demonstrate care for children by managing risks that threaten safety, assets, and resources. This care is demonstrated by:

  • Properly planning and supervising all Pathfinder/ Adventurer activities.

  • Ensuring that facilities are properly maintained, hazardous situations identified and corrective measures are taken to prevent injury or accidents.

  • Being concerned for the child’s safety.

  • Providing appropriate safety equipment and requiring its use at all times by all participants.



A Practical Guide to Pathfinder Safety. 

ARM Pathfinder Safety Booklet

Child Protection and Screening Policies

Field Trip Risk Checklist

Personal Injury Claim Form

Camp Safety Inspection Form

Automobile Loss Claim Form


Adventist Risk Management
  • Adventist Risk Management provides a wealth of information regarding safe and secure planning and activities, visit their website

  • The Risk Management representative at the Conference Office is Madeline Ogando 
    Telephone 817-790-2255 ext. 2114


Volunteers Verification

If you have questions, please contact:

Colleen  Worth
817-790-2255  Ext 2210


External Resources

Adventist Adventurer Awards Wikibooks
The purpose of adventure awards is to provide instructors with answers to facilitate their experience as teachers. The answers are based on the requirements of the North American Division for the Adventurer Program.

Pinterest "A Little Bit of Everything"
The place where you will find ideas on how to teach Adventurer Curriculum and Awards.

The place you will find all your ministries needs. 


Bible Activities and Resources ( The Scripture Lady) - Press Here
Bible Crafts and Lessons (Danielle's Place) - Press Here
Bible Crafts (DLTK) - Press Here
Children's Sermons (Sermons 4 Kids) - Press Here
Objective Lessons (Apple Sauce Kids) - Press Here
Objective Lessons (Kids Sunday School)- Press Here

Adventurer Logo and Images (NAD) - Image files are free to download and use.


Mental Health

Mental Health Resources

Texas Conference Mental Health Professionals

Alma Martinez-Barrios LPC, NCC

Valley Coastal Bend Area


Phone Number:  956-508-2264


Frank Ortiz, MS, LPC, NCC

Houston Area


Phone Number:  346-800-7601


Nancy Alvarez MS, NCC, LPC

Dallas Area


Phone Number:  469-468-0438


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